Patient Info
Female patient came to Dr. Naderi after having two previous Rhinoplasty surgeries with different surgeons. Dr. Naderi injected 1cc of Restylane to improve asymmetries, straighten the nose bridge, and create a more natural and smooth looking nose. Our surgeons want what is best for the patient and with the expertise of both surgical and non-surgical options available they may not always guide patient’s towards surgery. As a rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Naderi sees many botched nose jobs, patient’ that have had one or more nose jobs sometimes by even the same physician. It is not uncommon for revision rhinoplasty patient’s to feel discouraged and fearful about going under the knife again. The Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty option is ideal for many of our revision rhinoplasty patient’s because the results are temporary (6-9 months), there is minimal downtime or bruising and there is no general anesthesia involved. A non-surgical nose job may not be able to correct all defects created by pervious operations, but it can certainly help improve the overall appearance of the nose.
Patient Number: 2005.
* Each patient is unique and individual results may vary.

- Shervin Naderi, MD, FACS
- Physician
- View profile page
- United States, MD, Chevy Chase, 5454 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 1655, 20815
- 301-222-2020
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- United States, VA, Reston, 1850 Town Center Parkway Pavillion II, Suite 551, 20190
- 703-481-0002
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