After your Kybella® injections it is normal to have some swelling, pinpoint bleeding and bruising underneath the chin. Due to the numbing cream applied for your procedure you will still feel numb for another 1-2 hours after your procedure. Please be sure to follow our post procedure instructions in order to minimize swelling, bruising and decrease downtime.
The initial results from Kybella® can been seen in just one to two sessions. Although more than one Kybella® treatment is required for optimal benefits, once the full series has been completed, no further maintenance is needed. The fatty tissue, once eliminated, will not return. This means that the results from Kybella® are permanent.

- Ice Area. Use a small bag of frozen peas in a sandwich bag or crushed ice to gently ice the area. No heavy ice bags. Ice for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Continue the icing for 48 hours if possible.
- Minimize Strenuous Exercise: We recommend no strenuous exercise for 48 hours in order to reduce swelling and bruising.
- Do not manipulate or massage or rub or poke the area. Do not massage or manipulate the treated area which will be quite swollen after Kybella® injections. You may shower and wash your face with gentle cleanser. Avoid facials, chemical peels or laser treatments on the treated area for 14 days.
- Concealer can be used to cover up any bruises after injections. Use make-up, moisturizers, sunscreen and concealer the next day to cover up bruises.
- Take Arnica supplements. Arnica supplements can quickly help reduce appearance of bruises.
- Sleep with head propped up on 2-3 pillows. For the first 2-3 days sleeping with your head propped up on 2-3 pillows can help minimize swelling under the chin area. Swelling should begin to improve after about 48 hours.
- Pineapples help to minimize swelling after injections. Pineapples have natural antiinflammatory properties to them that help to minimize swelling after injections.
- Do not prematurely evaluate results. The first few days after your treatment the treated area will be swollen; it will take weeks for results to become noticeable. We recommend not evaluating results until completing your course of treatment.
- Take Tylenol for Pain: It is normal to experience some pain and sensitivity in the area of the injections. Most patients find that Tylenol can help relieve this post-injection pain. Avoid NSAIDs such as Motrin and ibuprofen as these can make swelling and bruising worse.
- Bruising. Bruises may last 1-2 weeks. Bruises can show up several days after the treatment.
- Swelling, Inflammation and Redness. Swelling will be the worst the first two days and is mostly due to localized inflammation. Initial swelling can take up to 2 weeks to settle. Sleeping propped up and icing can minimize this side effect. Avoid exercise first 48 hours or longer as swelling increases when working out.
- Asymmetry. Asymmetry initially is mostly secondary to swelling and any bruises that have formed under the skin. After a few weeks swelling will start to diminish and the fat melting results will begin to be noticed.
- Localized “Hardening” Under the Skin. As the fat starts to melt it can form hardened nodules. Your physician will advise you when to start massaging the nodules to facilitate them dissolving quicker.

- Uneven smile or facial muscle weakness
- Trouble swallowing
- Injection site ulceration or tissue cell-death
- Unacceptable deformities or asymmetries in the treated areas
- Hair loss (alopecia) in treated area